I’ve worked tirelessly to represent the voices and needs of my constituents from Los Angeles County’s 5th Supervisorial District. I’m seeking your support for re-election in 2024 so I can continue to be your voice on crucial issues impacting our communities:
Challenging a stagnant homelessness system: We have been successful in beginning to overhaul the bureaucracy that is our homelessness industrial complex. More must be done so we can address the crisis on our streets while providing humane housing and care to those most in need.
Keeping our communities safe: We must continue investing in public safety to protect neighborhoods and businesses in our County. I will continue expanding mental health and community resources because these critical resources also keep us resilient and safe. I believe all individuals should receive compassionate and responsive services when in crisis.
Expanding healthcare access and services: Health and mental health care are core County responsibilities. I have spent my career expanding access to underserved communities – including mental health and substance abuse services which are essential to addressing the homelessness crisis.
Supporting economic development and a more affordable L.A. County: Small and local businesses are an important part of our communities and local economy. We must continue creating an environment where our businesses and workers can thrive. I will continue to champion common-sense policies that stimulate growth, support workers, and increase housing affordability.
For more information, please visit my County website, kathrynbarger.lacounty.gov