Supervisor Kathryn Barger will be running for re-election for Supervisor in Los Angeles County’s Fifth District in the March 2024 Election.
Kathryn was born and raised in the 5th District and comes from a family with deep roots in public service. She is married to a retired sheriff’s deputy and lives in the San Gabriel Valley.
Dedicated to providing effective, responsive representation to the residents of Los Angeles County, Kathryn began her career in public service as a college intern in the office of former Supervisor Antonovich and rose to become his chief deputy, where she served until her election to the Board of Supervisors in 2016. She both served as Chair of the Board and was reelected for her second term in 2020.
Building upon her work from her time as chief policy advisor on health, mental health, social services, and children’s issues, Kathryn continues to advocate for services and programs to improve the quality of life for foster children, seniors, veterans, those with disabilities, and those with mental illness. Kathryn also served as Chair of the Board throughout the COVID-19 crisis in 2020.
Proactive Leader
Kathryn has taken the lead in addressing homelessness in our communities. Her expertise in mental health, economic development, foster care, and public safety have delivered a hands-on and results-driven approach to address the systemic failures causing the crisis. She has led the charge to overhaul our homelessness bureaucracies, expand access to mental health and substance abuse services, as well as growing affordable housing solutions.
Commitment to Safe Communities
Kathryn is committed to keeping our neighborhoods and communities safe, working with federal leaders, law enforcement officials, and judicial officers to implement vital public safety initiatives.
Supporting the Environment
She is an advocate for the environment and has spearheaded efforts to preserve open space and enhance parks, trails, and recreational programs and facilities, as well as libraries and after-school programs to serve local communities. She has hosted several trail rides and hikes to connect with the community throughout her district.
Fiscal Responsibility
With a strong sense of fiscal responsibility, Kathryn is dedicated to providing vital county services while protecting financial resources as a responsible steward of taxpayer dollars.
Problem Solver
Those who have worked with Kathryn know that she is a listener, a problem solver, and a public servant who gets things done. She has a strong track record and reputation for building consensus to develop solutions with real results for the benefit of the people in her my community and in Los Angeles County. This has led to broad based support from business organizations, Labor, both trade and Public Employee Unions, and leaders of both political parties in her District and throughout Los Angeles County.
Regional and National Leadership
Kathryn serves on the boards of Metrolink, Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority, North County Transportation Coalition, High Desert Corridor Joint Powers Authority, National Association of Counties’ Large Urban County Caucus, Southern California Association of Governments, Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County, California State Association of Counties, Local Agency Formation Commission, and Los Angeles County Mental Health Commission.